- Office: New Braunfels
- Office: El Paso
- Lic: 542915
- Office: Houston - The Sears Group
- Office: Fort Worth
- Lic: 0698760
- Office: New Orleans - Gulf South
- Lic: 995701521
- Office: Northeast Columbia - Magnolia Group
- Office: Arvada - Modern Real Estate
- Lic: 100100495
- Office: Houston - The Sears Group
- Office: Arlington
- Lic: 828326
- Office: Wichita - Leading Edge
- Office: Arlington
- Lic: 816922
- Office: Phoenix - Vantage
- Office: San Antonio
- Office: Plano
- Lic: 721915
- Office: Shreveport - Shelly Wagner & Associates
- Office: Austin South
- Office: Tampa - Premier Destination Realty
- Office: Fort Worth
- Lic: 747489
- Office: Easton - Action Realty
- Lic: RS359887
- Office: Winston Salem - Legacy Group
- Lic: 353552
- Office: Rockwall
- Office: Addison
- Office: Arvada - Modern Real Estate
- Lic: 100095999
- Office: Las Vegas - Elite
- Lic: S.0170074
- Office: Arvada - Modern Real Estate
- Office: Boise - Live Local
- Office: Palm Beach - South Florida Living
- Office: Addison
- Lic: 732118
- Office: Northeast Columbia - Magnolia Group
- Lic: 112752
- Office: Arvada - Modern Real Estate
- Office: Grapevine East
- Office: Plano
- Office: Winston Salem - Legacy Group
- Lic: 333622
- Office: Killeen
- Lic: 760333
- Office: Rockwall
- Office: San Antonio
- Lic: 787111
- Office: Addison
- Lic: 649267
- Office: Grapevine East
- Office: Wichita - Leading Edge
- Lic: SP00236866
- Office: Shreveport - Shelly Wagner & Associates
- Lic: 995711159
- Office: Round Rock