Marie ParaschakJPAR® - Maryland Living

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I was born in Brooklyn, New York, into a large Irish immigrant family. The weekends were full of relatives who loved to share stories of daily life and the news from  “home” (Ireland, of course!). It was a happy time and never dull! My sense of family always included my extended family and my Irish Heritage. 

 While still a young child, that life was left behind when my father received a job offer from the government to work as a senior project engineer for Navy Dept projects in Annapolis, Maryland. Although the move was a cultural shock for my family, I grew to appreciate Annapolis's uniqueness, beauty, and historical role in the birth of our nation. 

 My family instilled an American work ethic, which served me well in college. I graduated from the University of Maryland School of Nursing with Honors and was inducted into the Nursing National Honor Society, Sigma Theta Tau.

 After graduation, I took various nursing positions servicing our county residents, from a staff RN position at Baltimore Washington Medical Center to a nurse manager position at a local rehab center. If I look familiar, we’ve probably have interacted somewhere!

Helping people achieve better health outcomes has been so rewarding through the years! 

 After many years, I experienced a divorce.  I realized I needed more flexibility in my work schedule to continue raising my five children. Reluctantly, I decided to leave nursing for a more flexible work schedule and try something completely different.

 I applied for and was hired as a sales consultant for a company that manufactured beautiful interior shutters. “After all,” I thought, “How hard could it be?” Well, it turned out that it was tough! I dedicated myself to learning the business from the ground up, requiring a whole new set of skills.

 By the second year, I was the top sales consultant, consistently grossing the company over $1,000,000/year for sixteen years. My clients appreciated my knowledge, honesty, and design aesthetic. Returning customers asked for me specifically and referred me to their friends and family. I enjoyed my customers very much and considered them to be friends as well as customers.

 In 2013, I married my wonderful husband, John. His sense of humor has proved invaluable as people are drawn to his vitality and good ‘ol American common sense! We are fortunate to have each other and made great friends together. We are very active in our parish and do activities for our fellow parishioners and the various outreach programs throughout the year.

 As my children got older,  I wanted to stay closer to my home and not travel so far during the day, especially around the Beltways! A realtor friend encouraged me to become a licensed realtor. So, in 2021, I transitioned to assisting people in buying and selling their homes. It was a natural fit for me since I am a “people person” and work to help people get what they want.

 Like my previous job, the learning curve was steep, but I dedicated myself to mastering the art and “nuts and bolts” of selling homes at the best prices and terms for my clients. Since I have lived in Anne Arundel County for many years, I can suggest various areas within the county that works for them within their desired budget.

In 2022, John joined me in this new adventure and became a realtor.

We do everything together for our clients. I can always count on John to throw some fun into any situation to help our clients relax as we guide them into their next home life stage.

 We empathize that moving is stressful regardless of the reason. It helps when John and I discuss our personal experiences navigating real estate transactions for all the typical life stages. 

 However, the most critical thing we keep in mind is this: It’s Your Decision, Your Dream, Your Home, and Your Money. We are your advocates and guide you every step to a successful closing!

 Consequently, I have pursued hundreds of hours of additional real estate coursework, designations, certifications, and mentoring to offer my clients the latest residential information and how that affects their plans.

I am so grateful to my clients, who entrust their most significant financial decisions to me.