Lisa McKinzie JPAR® - Negotiators

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Having enjoyed a variety of experiences in life, I find it best to live with passion that transcends professional endeavors and merges with the joys and people that fill your life. Obstacles we face mask some of the greatest opportunities to know who we are as people. I have felt the rush of negotiating international contracts with great companies, seen the best in the field of law perform with such eloquence that it left me speechless, and I've watched a Mom with little ones move into the home of her dreams. Each experience has left me amazed at life.

My goal is to live a life that is worthy of the blessings that God has bestowed and enrich the lives of those who make my life so interesting. Bringing joy and happiness to others is a gift I give myself, and I will know I have succeeded in this life when there is not an ounce of potential wasted or left once this fabulous journey is over.

Specialties: Contract negotiations to protect and advocate my clients position, creative marketing to showcase properties in a very competitive environment, personnel management that enhances the working environment and produces creative, happy people who get the job done, communication skills, appreciation of the little things in life.