Nick Smith JPAR® - Live Local

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Nick Smith – I know what you’re thinking, “Nick Smith? I’ve never heard that name before…” Don’t worry, we made sure to include a photo with his trademark smile for your reference. Now that we have that cleared up…Nick was raised and still lives in Northeast Boise. That being said, he can probably tell you about every trail in the Ridge to Rivers trail system. If you share his passion for mountain biking, look him up on Strava, he loves a little friendly competition. One thing you’ll need to know when working with Nick, if there is a BSU football game going on, please know that his responses will likely be delayed for a couple of hours. It’s nothing personal, he’s just a die-hard Bronco fan! On a more serious note, Nick has been a Realtor for 22 years and has hundreds of transactions under his belt that range from investment properties to million dollar listings. He prides himself on being a full-time Realtor and finding a win-win for all parties involved while negotiating the best price for his clients. Remember the earlier comments about friendly competition? It comes in quite beneficial when he’s negotiating contracts.

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